April 9, 2020
At home

Working from home

Like a lot of businesses, the staff at Finlaysons have been adapting to spending a little more time at home than they’re used to. The team are still hard at work and some have even found new supervisors to keep them in check.

Finlaysons Consultant Sam Jennings doesn’t mind trading in his work shirt for a tee!

Finlaysons Workplace & Safety Partner, Will Snow, doesn’t know who likes having him around the house more: his wife, the kids or the chicken?
Senior Associate within Finlaysons Insurance Department, Alexandra Cobiac, says her pooch has been trying to negotiate an earlier dinner time (and winning)…
Senior Associate with Finlaysons Insurance Team, Zoe Forrester, is enjoying spending time with her new work colleague.
Head of Finlaysons Wills, Estates & Succession Planning department, Nikki Owen has settled in nicely to her new work space.
Head of Finlaysons Workplace & Safety team, Guy Biddle, is discovering all the mischief Kirby gets up to during the day.
Finlaysons special counsel, Fiona Holdsworth has re-named her cat “Supervisor”, it’s a very fitting change.
What Finlaysons Special Counsel David Rostrons office space looks like during renovation (left) and the makeshift office (right). If we’re honest, we wouldn’t mind the makeshift one once the office renovation is complete.
John Ward from Finlaysons Insurance team can attest to the fact that the work doesn’t stop even if you are working from home (and that he has a strong mirror-selfie game).
Sara Bradshaw and Emma Shortt from the Finlaysons Marketing and BD team now take their morning WIP meetings online (coffee still a necessity, obviously).
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