October 15, 2020

Behind the scenes with SALIFE

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at an SALIFE photo shoot? Take a peek into the studio to see how our October issue fashion pages came to life.

Photographer Haley Renee lines up for a shot with model Maddison Stubbington.

You’ve marvelled at the gorgeously floral fashion pages in the October issue of SALIFE magazine, but just how to the SALIFE fashion team create the beautiful images?

The day begins early for model Maddison Stubbington and hairstylist Janelle Zara.

Planning starts weeks in advance as SALIFE fashion editor Emma Riemersma delves into her imagination to come up with a mood board for the project, and then selects her photographic and styling team for the day. A model is booked – Maddison Stubbington from Pride Models was chosen for this project due to her wealth of international experience and her stunning red locks.

It took Nadia Tragavlini and Eddie Luckhurst-Smith of Studio Botanic three hours to prepare the set.
Studio Made was the location for the shoot.

The day of the shoot usually starts before dawn, with an early call for hair and make up while the studio is being prepared. The set for this shoot was created by Studio Botanic, with Nadia Travaglini and her team creating an installation that featured a whole blossoming cherry tree.

Style assistant Olivia Sara has everything ready to go.
SALIFE fashion editor and stylist Emma Riemersma adds some finishing touches to the make up.

It’s a long day, but excitement levels are high and by the time the shoot wraps up everyone’s already looking forward to the next project.

It’s a busy day, but there’s always time for fun.


The October issue of SALIFE magazine is out in newsagencies, independent supermarkets and selected Woolworths stores now.

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