August 23, 2022

SALIFE Gardens & Outdoor Living Spring 2022 is out now!

In this issue, we learn how to grow your own cut flowers, get the best out of begonias and give your lawn some love - plus, all Kim Syrus' jobs for the garden in spring.

As the days get longer and the soil begins to warm, the garden bursts into life once more – and that includes the weeds!

There’s so much to do in spring – fortunately, Kim Syrus is back with all his seasonal jobs for the garden.

Open Gardens SA is also back with a bumper calendar for spring. In this issue, we step inside a stunning private garden at Highgate, which you can also visit for yourself.

The humble tuberous begonia can be a joy for some and a disaster for others, but why? Never fear, we hear from begonia collector David McKenzie about his top tips for growing these amazing plants.

Have you considered implementing permaculture principles in your garden? It’s not as complicated as you might think and the benefits – for you, your garden and the environment – can be enormous.

Tomatoes are an absolute must for any outdoor space, whether you have a pot, a patio or a property. Best of all, children love getting involved in growing and harvesting the colourful little tommies … you might even persuade them to eat some.


The spring 2022 issue of SALIFE Gardens & Outdoor Living is available now at newsagencies and garden centres.

Click here to take out a subscription and have every issue delivered to your door. 


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