Thinking of putting your property on the market? A few simple tips and tricks can help turn your house into someone else’s dream home.
How to style for sale
First impressions are everything when putting a home on the market. Often, it’s hard for a homeowner to step back and see it through other people’s eyes – that’s where a stylist comes in. Dressed for Sale owner Tiffany Murray shares some tips for creating that perfect space that just feels right for buyers.
What are some of the easiest ways to provide a quick update?
De-clutter, take down old curtains and a fresh lick of paint works wonders! Take all personal photos and artwork off the walls. Clean out garden beds and add mulch.
Is it best for a home to be “on trend” or go for more classic style?
Good stylists are part of the real estate eco system and will be familiar with the area they are styling in and what type of style appeals most to the target market. Then they style with what suits the home.
What are some of the things that are often overlooked before opening a home?
- You have one chance to make a first impression.
- We always use faux foliage as it photographs so much better. If you use fresh flowers, make sure they are fresh and don’t look tired and sad.
What are the benefits of engaging a stylist before selling a home?
There’s a reason the styling category has exploded! Research shows that 90 per cent of people view a property online before stepping over the threshold. Consumers have a higher expectation of a home’s presentation and are more likely to attend an open if the house looks appealing. Homes that are not styled look like too much work. Also, this is pre-sale and there is an art to it … it’s about selling the home not the furniture in it.
Any other tips you have for a prospective home seller?
Disconnect with the property as your home and accept that it is a property for sale. What you loved is most likely not going to be what other people love. If your property and furnishings are unique, they will have less broad appeal. The more neutral the better!