March 7, 2022
In this issue

Write in for your chance to win!

Write in to the new SALIFE Letters to the Editor page for your chance to win a $100 voucher for Dillons Bookshop Norwood.

SALIFE’s new Letters to the Editor page will start in the April issue!

Perhaps a story in a recent issue of SALIFE particularly resonated with you, or you tried something new after you saw it in the magazine.

Maybe we inspired you to visit a South Australian destination, or you cooked up some SALIFE recipes for a recent family dinner – photographs welcome!

Drop us a line to tell us all about it, and you might see your words in print the following month!

In each issue, the Letter of the Month will be rewarded with a $100 voucher for Dillons Bookshop Norwood.

Send your letters to

We look forward to hearing from you!

While we will endeavour to respond to all letters, it may not be possible to print them all.
Letters may be edited for length.

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