September 30, 2020
In this issue

SALIFE The Podcast, episode 4

In episode four of SALIFE The Podcast, editor Penny Yap meets SA food icon Belinda Hannaford, her son Nick and daughter Rachel to talk about Kangaroo Island, the pitfalls of family business and plans for the future.

In episode four of SALIFE The Podcast, Penny sits down for a chat with SA restaurateur and hospitality industry icon, Belinda Hannaford.

Belinda’s cooking career began in the 1980s with her at-home eatery, Belinda’s Restaurant, infamous for its private party atmosphere. Those days and her career since, including the enormously successful Jolley’s Boathouse, are detailed in her incredibly frank autobiography, Sourcing the Sauce, released earlier this year.

Over the years all, Belinda has always retained a deep connection to Kangaroo Island, a place she found freedom as a child.

Belinda and Penny are joined in the studio by Belinda’s son Nick to talk about his own childhood memories of Kangaroo Island, and also the pitfalls of going into business with family members. The famous Enchanted Fig Tree at Snelling Beach will soon be entering a new phase with Nick’s latest venture, Gastronomo.

Meanwhile, Rachel Hannaford joins the conversation over the phone from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. She, too, has plans for the future up her sleeve, so watch this space for details … once she can get back to Adelaide.

Belinda also found time to host a lunch party for some friends – take a seat at the table in the October issue of SALIFE magazine.

Click here to listen to SALIFE The Podcast, Episode 4

The October issue of SALIFE magazine is out in newsagencies, independent supermarkets and selected Woolworths stores now.

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