October 20, 2023
Out & About

Marina Pink launch

Guests enjoyed a luncheon at Luciano's on the Marina to celebrate the launch of Marina Pink – a month-long event raising funds and awareness for breast cancer research.

Annette Nesbitt, Latysha Forrest and Karen Osborne Marina Pink

Annette Nesbitt, Latysha Forrest and Karen Osborne.

Will Giles and Alissa Fay Marina Pink
William Giles and Alissa Fay.
Kirk and Mish Ryan-Welsh Marina Pink
Kirk and Mish Ryan-Welsh.
Donna Benge and Rod Jones
Donna Benge and Rod Jones.
Bianca Jurlina, Lisa Borg and Kerry Johnson
Bianca Jurlina, Lisa Borg and Kerry Johnson.
Nicole Size and Ross Verschoor Marina Pink
Nicole Size and Ross Verschoor.
Annette Perryman and Kerry McCarthy
Annette Perryman and Kerry McCarthy.
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