March 24, 2022
Out & About

Out & About: Adelaide Fringe Awards Ceremony

Guests enjoyed the sunshine at the 2022 Adelaide Fringe Final Awards Ceremony.

Tara McLeod, Ella Huisman, Amanda Hillgrove and Maddy Warren.

Charlie Herkes and Malcolm Harslett.
Jessica Robbins, Bass G Fam, Josephine Magliolo and Josephine Lopes.
Kellie Grace and Charlee Grace Watt.
David Minear and Marjorie Fitz-Gerald.
Haydyn Bromley and Iteka Ukarla Sanderson-Bromley.
Steph Daughtry and Evie Leonard.
Reuben Kaye and Heather Croall.
Clementine Benson, Sarah Wilson, Lewis Major, Joanne Hartstone, Tom Kitney and Stefaan Morrow.
Kerol and Dom Chambers.
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