December 9, 2022
Out & About

Out & About: SALIFE Absolute Best Awards 2022

SALIFE celebrated the Absolute Best Awards with a cocktail party for 400 people at Adelaide Town Hall. The event was hosted by Ali Clarke, with 12 winners crowned.

Janitha Perera, Daisy Hooper and Charlotte Kleut.

Paul Vasileff and Anna Frangiosa.
Taryn Brumfitt and Kayla Johnson.
Jodi Brown, Libby Raynor and Peta St Clair.
Rouba Shahin and Paul Kruger.
Anne Hatchard and Georgie Wirth.
Marjorie Fitz-Gerald.
Lucy Hood and Sam Catley.
Anthony and Emilie Baldetti.
Max Mason and Paul Kitching.


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