July 28, 2023
Out & About

Storytellers Distillery pop-up bar

Guests enjoyed the State Library of South Australia after dark with a Storytellers Distillery pop-up bar in the Mortlock Wing.

Laura Hender and Larissa Schinella Storytellers distillery pop-up bar Mortlock wing state library.

Laura Hender and Larissa Schinella.

Alex Roe and Michelle Samaras Storytellers distillery pop-up bar Mortlock wing state library.
Alex Roe and Michelle Samaras.
Amy Norton and Claudia Fowler Storytellers distillery pop-up bar Mortlock wing state library.
Amy Norton and Claudia Fowler.
Mitch Wilkins and Rachael Wilkins.
Mitch and Rachael Wilkins.
Jelena Dinic and Maggie Ramic.
Maggie Ramic and Jelena Dinic.
Beth Ruge and Stacie Reeves.
Beth Ruge and Stacie Reeves.
Beth Mooney and Jolene Peer.
Beth Mooney and Jolene Peer.
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