July 6, 2023
Out & About

Studio Nine Architects

Studio Nine Architects celebrated their 25th anniversary with a party at 2KW.

Giulia Talotta, Alex Brooking, Thomas Milochis and Olivia De Mella.

Steve Pavloudis, Daniel Harris and Alex Bishop.
Andrew and Zoe Steele.
Stuart and Julia Roberts.
Mark Philp, Tundy Pawly and Peter Gatsios.
Maria Galluccio and Helen Kyprizloglou.
Helen Jefferson, Dean Wetherill, Zara Wilkinson and Rimas Kaminskas.
Harold Lens, Josie Lens and Shannon Lens.
Cosimo Dichiera, John Galluccio and Anthony Catinari.
Bruce Djite and Edmond Krecsik.
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