May 24, 2024

Beef short rib, shallot, pickled beans and celeriac

With the cooler autumnal weather upon us, warm things up with this hearty beef short rib recipe from Sam Worrall-Thompson and his team at Bar Lune.

Beef short rib, shallot, pickled beans and celeriac

braised short rib
3-4 short ribs
4 litre beef stock
1 bottle red wine
4 garlic clove
2 carrots, chopped roughly
1 onion, chopped roughly
2 sticks celery, chopped roughly
4 bay leaves
6 sprigs thyme

Pre-heat oven to 150C. Place ribs in tray bone side down, add rest of ingredients and cover with aluminium foil.
Place in oven and allow to braise for 3 hours until tender. Remove from oven and allow to cool on bench or cut into desired portions and serve immediately.
Strain liquid and keep for serving.

pickled beans
flat beans
long butter beans
250ml white wine vinegar
250ml water
200g sugar
pinch salt

Trim ends of beans. Bring to boil vinegar and water, add sugar and salt. Allow to cool slightly and pour hot to warm pickling liquid over beans.

celeriac puree
4 celeriac
1 cup cream
50g butter
4 sprigs thyme
pinch sea salt

Preheat oven to 180C. Peel and cut celeriac into 2cm dice, place in lined baking tray with thyme and butter, cover with aluminium foil.

Bake for 20 to 30 minutes or until tender (just like potato for mash). Remove thyme. Place celeriac and tray juices in food processor or use a stab mixer, blend until smooth and season with sea salt.

roasted shallot
6 shallots, peeled
50g butter
pinch salt
pinch pepper
pinch sugar

Preheat oven to 180C. Place all ingredients into fry pan or baking dish. Cover with aluminium foil and bake for 15 minutes. Remove foil and cook for a further 5 to 10 minutes for colour and tenderness.

thyme oil
100ml extra virgin olive oil
½ bunch thyme, leaves picked

Add thyme leaves into olive oil, mix well.

to serve
Place short rib on plate, followed by a spoon of celeriac puree next to rib. Dress with reserved braising liquid, then place pickled beans on top and shallots around. Finish with thyme oil.


This recipe first appeared in the October 2023 edition of SALIFE Magazine.

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