A great snack for yourself, or a delicious starter when friends pop by, this herb-filled hummus delivers flavour and crunch.
Herby hummus with crispy chickpeas and cucumber
Herby hummus with crispy chickpeas and cucumber
serves 6
400g + 200g of dried chickpeas
200ml + 100ml olive oil
2 tbsp of tahini paste
juice of 1 lemon
100g picked herbs (I used basil, parsley, carrot tops)
1 tsp smoked paprika
cucumber to serve
salt and pepper
Soak all the chickpeas overnight in water on the bench. Make sure the water is about 5 centimetres above the level of the chickpeas to allow for soaking loss.
The next day discard the excess soaking water, place the soaked chickpeas in a pot and cover again with water to about 5 centimetres above the level of the chickpeas.
Boil until very tender, topping up water if required. Strain, keeping the boiling water to add to the hummus mix, and divide up roughly into 1/3 for the crispy chickpeas, 2/3 for the hummus.
Preheat oven to 120C. Place the 1/3 portion of your chickpeas on a tray in the oven. Allow to dry for about 4 hours.
While waiting, using a mortar and pestle or food processor, blitz the 2/3 of cooked chickpeas with 200ml olive oil, tahini paste, lemon juice, picked herbs and a pinch of salt and pepper, adding the boiling water until the mix becomes smooth and creamy. There’s an opportunity here to let your favourite flavour profile take the wheel: add more tahini or lemon juice if you wish, and season to taste and set aside to cool.
In a heavy-based saucepan, as though you were making popcorn, bring 100ml of olive oil up to about 190C or just below smoking point. Add your 1/3 portion of chickpeas, being mindful that they may spit a little. Roll them around in the oil until they start to colour up and crisp on the outside.
To serve, smear hummus on a platter leaving room to place your crispy chickpeas. Serve with fresh herbs and fresh cucumber.
This recipe first appeared in the February 2024 issue of SALIFE magazine.