September 8, 2023

Kumquat and almond tarts with lemon and thyme posset

Rosa Matto's kumquat and almond tarts are a love letter to regional South Australia, bringing a twist on country cooking to your table this weekend.

recipe kumquat almond tart

Kumquat and almond tarts with lemon and thyme posset
serves 6

Kumquat and almond tarts
300g fresh kumquats (alternatively 250g glazed kumquats)
60ml verjuice
60ml honey
250g unsalted butter, chopped
50g self-raising flour
160g icing sugar
100g almond meal
3 teaspoons lemon thyme, leaves only
5 egg whites, beaten lightly
100g slivered almonds

Lemon and thyme posset
makes 2 cups
500ml double cream, full fat
90g caster sugar
finely grated lemon zest
4 sprigs lemon thyme, just the little leaves
80ml freshly squeezed lemon juice

Preheat oven to 180C. If using fresh kumquats, put them in a saucepan with the verjuice and honey and slowly simmer until the liquid forms a syrup and the kumquats can be pierced with a small, sharp knife. Chop half of the kumquats into small pieces, the remainder can be cut in half lengthways. Grease six 9cm x 3cm loose-based, fluted tart tins. Line with baking paper, coming up the sides.

Heat butter in a small saucepan until golden brown.  Cool completely. Sift flour and sugar into a bowl, stir in the almond meal, rind, browned butter and egg whites until well combined. Fold through the chopped kumquats and thyme. Allow to stand for 10 minutes to let mixture thicken. Divide mixture among tart tins. Place almond slivers around the edge and kumquat halves in the centre. Bake tarts for
12 minutes. Then, reduce oven to 170C and bake for a further 12 minutes. Allow to cool in tins. For posset, place cream, sugar, zest and thyme over medium heat. Cook, stirring to dissolve sugar. Add lemon juice and remove from heat. Pour into a bowl and allow to cool before refrigerating until set. Tarts are best eaten on the day of cooking with a drizzle of the lemon posset.

LOCAL FOODS: Kumquats, local almonds, lemons
WHERE TO BUY FOR CITY SLICKERS: Say Cheese for glazed kumquats, Adelaide Central Market
LOCAL WINE PAIRING: Riverland fortified wine


This recipe first appeared in the June 2023 issue of SALIFE magazine.

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