March 1, 2023

Leftover ham survival kit

Gift this clever leftover ham survival kit for your loved ones to enjoy over that lazy Christmas to New Year stretch.

Leftover Ham Survival Kit
makes 4x 250ml jars

pineapple chutney (makes 4x 250ml jars)
1 tbsp olive oil
1 onion, finely chopped
1 tsp grated ginger
1 tsp coriander seeds, lightly crushed
1 tsp turmeric
1 large pineapple, cut into 2cm cubes
½ cup sugar
½ cup apple cider vinegar
¼ cup brandy

Heat a medium deep frypan over med/high heat. Add olive oil and onion and sauté until softened. Add ginger, coriander seeds and turmeric and cook until fragrant. Add pineapple, sugar, vinegar and brandy, bring to the boil then simmer for about an hour. Portion the chutney into jars. Store sealed jars in the refrigerator.

pickles (makes 4x 500ml jars)
300g green beans, trimmed
2 bunches baby carrots, trimmed, scrubbed and halved
2 bunches radish, halved
¼ cup salt

for each jar
1 bay leaf
¼ tsp fennel seeds
1 tsp dried oregano
½ tsp chilli flakes. optional
1 garlic clove, sliced
1 tbsp olive oil
3 cups water
3 cups vinegar
2 tbsp salt

Place the prepared vegetables into a large bowl, pour over salt and cover with water. Refrigerate overnight. Drain the vegetables and wash well. Place the spices and garlic in each jar and pack the vegetables into the jars. Bring the ingredients for the brine to the boil. Pour the brine into each jar, leaving 1cm from the rim. Add the olive oil before sealing with the lid. Store in the refrigerator, preferably allowing the flavours to develop 2-3 days before consuming. Pickles should be consumed within 2 weeks.

seeded mustard (makes 4x 100ml jars)
½ cup yellow mustard seeds

½ cup brown mustard seeds
½ cup white wine
1 tsp crushed garlic
1 tsp sea salt
60ml sherry vinegar
2 tbsp honey

Grind the yellow mustard seeds to a powder in a spice grinder and place into a medium bowl. Add the brown mustard seeds, wine, garlic, salt, vinegar and honey and stir well to combine. Place into a sealed container and allow to thicken overnight before placing in jars.

sesame lavosh (makes about 60)
1 tsp dry yeast
1 tsp honey
200ml warm water
½ tsp sea salt
350g plain flour
1 tbsp olive oil
50g white sesame seeds
50g black sesame seeds

Place the yeast, honey and warm water in the bowl of a stand mixer and set aside for 10 minutes to activate the yeast. Add the salt, flour and olive oil and mix with a dough hook on low speed to combine. Increase the speed to medium and knead the dough for 5 minutes. Add the sesame seeds and mix to combine. Cover the bowl with clingfilm and set aside to prove for 1 hour. Preheat the oven to 180C. Divide the dough into four pieces and roll through a pasta machine until 1mm thick.  Cut into pieces 2cmx12cm and place onto a baking paper lined baking tray and bake until golden.  Cool completely before storing in an airtight container.


This article first appeared in the December 2022 issue of SALIFE magazine.

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