February 23, 2023

Recipe: Open herbed frittata with goat’s curd and pork sausage

Give this deceptively simple frittata a go for a hearty lunch on a cold day, featuring some lovely SA ingredients.

Open herbed frittata with goat’s curd and pork sausage
preparation time: 5 minutes; cooking time: 10 minutes

2 Italian-style South Australian pork sausages (hot or mild)
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 fresh salad onion, sliced
4-5 sage leaves, chopped (plus 3-4 extra for deep frying)
2-3 free range eggs
2 heaped tbsps grated parmesan
salt and pepper, to taste
6 flat-leaved parsley, leaves only, chopped finely
SA goat’s cheese curd

Cut open sausages and remove meat, crumbling into small chunks. Warm oil in a small omelette pan. Saute sausage meat until golden, add onion slices and chopped sage. Cook until slightly crispy. Remove half and set aside, leaving behind all the oil in pan.

In a small bowl, beat eggs with parmesan, salt and pepper and chopped parsley. Heat omelette pan to high and pour in egg mixture. After 30 seconds, turn heat down. Draw in sides of omelette and let liquid mixture cook, swirling pan from time to time. Cook until just set. Sprinkle on rest of sausage mixture and finish cooking in a hot oven, 200C, for 3 or 4 minutes.

To serve, top with dollops of goat’s cheese and deep-fried sage leaves.

For Slow Food:

Support independent butchers who make their own sausages. There are award-winning artisan cheesemakers who make cheese using milk from their locality. Use only extra virgin olive oil made in season in South Australia. Investigate truly free-range eggs, raised in ethical conditions.

This article first appeared in the March 2023 issue of SALIFE magazine.

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