February 23, 2023

Recipe: Panzanella terrines

Whip up this panzanella terrine as a fresh dish for guests this weekend.

Panzanella terrines
makes 4
preparation time: 15 minutes

rocket pesto
80g rocket plus extra
1 clove garlic, peeled
2 tbsp walnuts
2 tbsp grated pecorino
6 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

4 slices toasted Italian bread, broken into pieces
4-6 very ripe tomatoes
1 small cucumber, peeled and finely chopped into cubes
rocket leaves, extra
salt and pepper, to taste
2 white stems of celery with leaves
8 green olives, pitted
zest of ½ lemon
12 capers*
8 small caper berries
caper salt

To make the pesto, take 1 handful rocket, leaves only, and process with mashed garlic clove, walnuts and grated pecorino cheese, drizzling in just enough extra virgin olive oil to bring paste together. Season if needed.

Cut tomatoes into thin slices.

To layer, use a stacker or straight-sided teacup lined with paper, start with a layer of bread, then a thin pesto layer. Next, the tomato slices, alternating with a few cucumber cubes, follow with a thin smear of pesto and fresh rocket leaves. Top with another layer of bread and finish with sliced tomatoes. Lightly season as you go. Push down with the back of a spoon.

To serve, top with a salad mixture of celery, green olives, lemon zest and capers all chopped loosely together.

Set tomato stack on plate and surround with remaining salad and caper berries. Drizzle with oil from the rocket pesto and sprinkle with caper salt.

*South Australian capers are available from several local grocery companies. Most sell capers, caper berries,
leaves and caper salt.

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