February 1, 2023

Shiraz pears

Use this unseasonably cooler weather to indulge in these delightful Shiraz pears.

Shiraz pears
serves 6

1 bottle shiraz
6 pears
6 cinnamon sticks
½ cup caster sugar
6 star anise
12 cloves
peel and juice of 2 oranges

Peel pears, leaving the stem intact. Bring liquid and all other ingredients to the boil, then add pears.

Reduce heat and simmer for several hours, turning pears so they are always immersed in the liquid.

Serve warm or cold with the sauce. You can serve with rosewater-infused mascarpone or orange blossom syrup.

To serve, decorate plates with the bark, star anise and orange peel and dust with icing sugar. This dessert is better prepared two days in advance as flavours intensify.


This article first appeared in the November 2022 issue of SALIFE magazine.

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