December 10, 2020

Easing the transition from secondary education to university

Lincoln Residential College offers a range of programs and events to make the transition from secondary to tertiary education, or even between institutions, as easy and stress-free as possible.

Attending university after completing high school can be both an exciting and daunting prospect for students. Many children are leaving home for the first time and leaving behind the familiarity of home, family and even friendships.

The staff and faculty at Lincoln Residential College are committed to nurturing the academic and future success of all residents and take happiness, comfort and security seriously. The college is dedicated to creating a welcoming, multicultural, multi-faith community that strives to build connections and nurture an atmosphere of acceptance and inclusiveness for all. 

Orientation Week (or Welcome Week) is a week of fun and activities designed to help new residents to familiarise themselves with Lincoln College. Along the way, they’ll have a chance to meet and make friends with other new residents so they can dive into their academic endeavours with friends and support groups already in place.

Always someone to talk to
Some students find the transition harder to make than others. Lincoln’s Dean and Residential Advisors live on-site and are available – day or night – to provide students with confidential advice and support and to help them overcome any issues they might be experiencing.

Preparing students for university learning
Learning at a tertiary level is quite different from secondary learning. Self-directed study and active learning are important skills to succeed at university. Residents at Lincoln have access to regular guidance sessions that help develop:

  • effective self-study habits
  • lecture and exam preparation
  • essay writing and referencing at tertiary level
  • time management and organisation skills
  • exam preparation
  • motivation

Academic programs
To help advance the academic success of students, Lincoln’s academic tutors work with study groups to help students in similar courses better understand subject material through discussion and exploration of ideas. Lincoln’s in-house academic programs include:

  • small group tutorials
  • individual consultations
  • drop-in sessions
  • seminars
  • cohort panels
  • networking sessions
  • professional development activities

How Lincoln residents have found the transition

Jaiden Webber
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering – Flinders University
Going on the uni tours was good during O-Week. I had no idea what I was getting myself into at university, but the older students explained how things work at your uni. Having tutors and older year levels around you is so helpful. You can just ask a quick little question to someone, even if it’s trivial, and they will be more than happy to help you.

Elizabeth Le Roux
Bachelor of Architectural Studies – University of South Australia
The transition from high school to university was very uplifting and smooth as Lincoln provided everyone with useful information about university and study. Living at Lincoln is a big privilege as it not only provides us with food and student accommodation while at university, but ensures we’re part of a community with people who are all going through similar experiences.

Zoey Leow
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Chemical) – University of Adelaide
As a third-year transfer student, my transition was less of a high school to university transition but one of from a local university to a foreign one. Lincoln has made the transition much easier for me as I have a network of people that I can ask for advice whenever I need it. I have fewer things to worry about than I would have if I was staying anywhere else.

If you’re planning to study at a university in Adelaide, explore all the benefits of living at Lincoln Residential College. It could be the best decision you’ll ever make.

For more information call (08) 8290 6000 or visit

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