It can be tricky getting men to talk about their health, even more so when it comes to their prostate. So hopefully talk of green light lasers, high energy beams and vaporisation can spark vital interest and lead to transformative donations.
Will green lights and high energy beams spark a transformative gift?
Burnside Hospital hopes lasers and energy beams will entice men into the conversation but just as importantly, draw generous support from people like you, who we hope will help fund the $150,000 purchase of a Green Light Laser. This new technology will support more men in Adelaide who experience difficulties urinating as the result of an enlarged prostate.
Heather Messenger, CEO of Burnside War Memorial Hospital Inc., understands prostate health is really important to every man. Burnside Hospital’s visiting Urologists are seeing an increase in men presenting with the ailment and, with an increasingly ageing population, expect more and more older gentlemen will present with an enlarged prostate.

“We all sympathise with men who feel like they constantly need to go to the toilet to urinate, feel they haven’t quite emptied their bladder enough, or there’s a slow stream. These are just some of the symptoms men live with every day. But they don’t need to if we can raise this capital investment before June 30 to support them.
“Your gift towards the Green Light Laser will help around 900 more men live a normal life, symptom-free. That’s 900 more fathers, grandfathers, brothers, uncles and friends that you can help reduce their embarrassing symptoms, so they can get on with their lives,” says Heather.
How does this Green Light Laser work? In effect, it “zaps” or evaporates the enlarged prostate tissue that prevents urine from flowing naturally from the bladder. This opens up the constricted passage and improves the flow of urine.
The minimally invasive surgery also provides alternatives to reducing bleeding complications, especially in older patients with cardiovascular disease who need permanent anticoagulation treatment to prevent blood clotting. This procedure allows patients to access treatment without the need to stop their medication.

Burnside Hospital’s Heather Messenger also reports that the retention of urine is a serious medical issue and can result in the formation of bladder stones, urinary tract infections or deterioration of kidney function, so the Green Light Laser procedure can benefit many possible ailments caused by difficulty in urinating.
“The Green Light Laser is so transformative for many men and your gift could help 900 men over the lifetime of this machine. So please help us help them and donate before June 30.”
Your gift today of $166 can could help one of the 900 men this machine will help into the future.
Please click on the link here to make your donation.