May 5, 2023

The Village Co calls for support

The Village Co is calling for donations this Mother’s Day to help fill their care packs full of essential items for mum and baby.

Co-founder of The Village Co, Stephanie Malan.

While many families celebrate Mother’s Day with get-togethers, lunches, and gift-giving, it’s also incredibly important to remember those who are struggling.

Founders of The Village Co, Stephanie Malan and Nicole Doak are calling for donations of basic items new mothers most need.

By starting The Village Co, Stephanie and Nicole aimed to give at-risk women a beautiful gift that contained all they needed for their hospital stay and when going home from the hospital, as well as to help them feel loved and special.

Stephanie says more help is needed following the financial hit of COVID.

“Unfortunately, the financial strain of the ongoing pandemic has hit many of our donors hard, making it even more challenging for us to continue providing the critical services these women rely on,” Stephanie says.

“That’s why we are calling out for help this Mother’s Day.”

Stephanie says those looking to support the cause this Mother’s Day can do so in a couple of ways.

“Donations are going directly to our care packs, to the stock that fills them and the distribution of these across the state.

“Monetary donations are a simple and effective way of giving. However, people are welcome to purchase products we desperately need for our packs and get them to us.”

With the cost-of-living crisis following the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, essential items for mothers going through the perinatal period are often hard to get.

The Village Co currently distributes care packages through Flinders Medical Centre, Gawler Health Service, Helen Mayo House, as well as a number of different hospitals, medical centres and health clinics across South Australia.

You can support The Village Co’s efforts by donating at the website – visit to find out which items they need most.

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