November 5, 2020
What's On

What’s On: Artistic postcards, a very happy birthday and First Nations musicians

This weekend, stop by and say happy birthday to NOLA, tour the SA Museum in a way you've never done so before and take in a comedy at Holden Street Theatres.

Postcards home

Adelaide Central School of Art’s annual fundraising exhibition of postcard-sized works, Wish You Were Here, opens on Saturday, November 7, and continues until November 20. The works are donated by local and interstate artists, and are priced at $80 each. They’re signed on the reverse, so the identity of the artist is revealed after the purchase.


Queer tour

As part the South Australian Museum’s commitment to making Australia’s natural and cultural heritage accessible, engaging and fun for everyone, they’re launching It’s in Our Nature; A Queer Tour of the Museum. It’s their first LGBTIQA+ tour, and the first for a natural history museum in the country. The tour for Feast Festival, written and curated by LGBTIQA+ South Australians in their voices and from their perspectives, explores the stories of love, desire and identity found within the collections. From November 7, pick up your copy of the tour from the main foyer or download from the website.


Street beats

Also at the South Australian Museum this weekend, the front lawns will host live music, featuring First Nations musicians. This Friday, November 6, it’s Tilly Tjala Thomas from 12.30pm. The free concerts are part of the Street Beats & Eats series, a partnership with Music SA and City of Adelaide.


Pause to remember

Local RSL clubs and sub-branches, businesses and pubs are being invited to support A BBQ to Remember next week for Remembrance Day on November 11. Mental health promotion charity, Swiss 8 is asking people to connect through the barbeques and discuss mental health challenges. Funds raised by Swiss 8 will go towards supporting veteran mental health, while funds raised at the barbecues will go to the sub-branches to support local veterans.


Happy birthday to you

It’s party time at NOLA, where there will be live music, food, beer and whisky for their 5th Birthday Laneway Party on Saturday, November 7. Expect free tastings with some of NOLA’s favourite producers and hour-long sets from their favourite musicians.



Comedic couple

Matt Byrne Media is staging Neil Simon’s classic comedy The Odd Couple at Holden Street Theatres, until November 28. The MBM production features David Grybowski as Felix and Matt as Oscar. “It’s wonderful to playing opposite him again, and I’m delighted to have another long-time theatre colleague Rose Vallen co-directing the show with me,” Matt says.


For more about what’s on this month, pick up the November issue of SALIFE magazine.

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