April 15, 2019
What's On

What’s on in April

Aladdin the Musical is playing at the Festival Theatre.

Aladdin the Musical

Full of splendour, colour, movement and passion, this Broadway musical is truly a magical carpet ride, according to InDaily‘s reviewer. Playing until June 9 at the Festival Theatre, it is based on the Oscar-winning animated film about a street urchin who finds a genie in a bottle. Aladdin the Musical features  a cast of 34, with 337 glittering costumes and an array of classic tunes, including “A Whole New World”, “Friend Like Me” and “Arabian Nights”, as well as four new songs and three songs that didn’t make it into the film. Tickets and further details here.

Alliance Française French Film Festival

The annual Alliance Française French Film Festival has entered its final week at the Palace Nova East End and Prospect cinemas. Highlights among the upcoming screenings include I Feel Good – starring Jean Dujardin as a loveable fool who comes up with a cunning plan to make himself and his sister rich; In Safe Hands – a feature film about the struggles of adoption and the French foster system, and closing night film Kiss and Tell, a comedy of unrelated storylines with a cast including Charlotte Rampling and former Bond girl Carole Bouquet. The festival runs until April 18. Full program here.

Sally Smart’s The Violet Ballet

Australian artist Sally Smart is presenting her new installation work The Violet Ballet at ACE Open in the Lion Arts Centre. The exhibition features re-creations of the original costumes and set designs from the famous ballet production Chout, which was performed by avant-garde dance company Ballets Russes in 1921. The exhibition also retells Chout’s macabre storyline, which is based on seven buffoons who murder their wives. Violet Ballet is showing until April 27. Read more about it in ACE Open CEO Liz Nowell’s Q&A with Smart on CityMag.

Ben Quilty

The first major survey exhibition of Australian artist Ben Quilty’s work is on display in galleries 23, 24 and 25 at the Art Gallery of SA. The exhibition – called Quilty – extends from his early reflections on the initiation rituals performed by young Australian men, to his experience as an official war artist in Afghanistan, and his campaign to save the lives of Bali Nine pair Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran. It also includes works inspired by Quilty’s visits with author Richard Flanagan to Lebanon, Lesbos and Serbia; his revisions of the Australian landscape, and portraits of himself, his family and his friends. Quilty is on display until June 2. 

The Club

Australian dramatist David Williamson’s classic play about the infighting behind the scenes of an AFL club has been reworked for an all-female cast in this timely production by Adelaide independent theatre company isthisyours? While The Club was originally performed by six men, the new satire features actors Louisa Mignone, Nadia Rossi and Ellen Steele in all the roles.  Read more about how the play has been flipped on its head in this InDaily story. It is being presented by the State Theatre Company at the Space Theatre until April 20.

Charity calendar

April 26: The Anzac Ball, Adelaide Town Hall, for RSL SA/NT. Details here.

April 27: Anzac Commemorative Cocktail Evening, Adelaide Oval, for The Road Home. Details here.


May 3: Treasure Boxes gala dinner, Adelaide Pavilion, for children placed into emegency care. Details here.

May 4: Car 222 Oaks Ladies Day, Morphettville Racecourse, for Variety SA. For details email [email protected]

May 5: Walk to D’feet MND, Jimmy Rose Park, Glenelg, for Motor Neurone Disease SA. Details here.

May 7: Foundation Shine Mother’s Day lunch, Morphettville Racecourse for organisations supporting mental health. Details here.

If you would like to see your charity event mentioned here. send us an email: [email protected]


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