January 13, 2022
Wine & Dine

Recipe: Aperol Spritz jellies with ricotta cream and caperberries

These canapés combine a refreshing shot of Aperol Spritz with a savoury twist.

Aperol Spritz jellies with ricotta cream and caperberries
makes 12, depending on how large you cut your discs

4 leaves gelatine (titanium strength!)
400ml prosecco
zest of 1 orange
100ml Aperol or Campari
dash vodka
almond oil for greasing the tin

Soften gelatine leaves in tepid water for 5-10 mins, then remove and squeeze.
Heat the gelatine in 100ml prosecco until dissolved. Remove from heat.
Add the remainder of the prosecco. Then add orange zest into the mixture and stir. Pour in the Aperol or Campari, the vodka and stir. Pour into a very lightly greased 20cm x 15cm tin. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours or until set, even overnight. When ready to assemble, cut into small discs.

ricotta cream
250g full-milk ricotta, well drained
2 tsp freshly grated orange zest
1 tsp freshly ground pepper
¼ tsp caster sugar
½ tsp salt
2 tsp extra-virgin olive oil

Combine all ingredients and whisk at high speed until light and fluffy.

to assemble
2 long cucumbers, peeled
ricotta cream
small dried orange wedges

To assemble, cut slices of cucumber and top with slightly smaller discs of jelly. Using a teaspoon, quenelle a tiny amount of ricotta cream on the top and then garnish with a caperberry, nasturtium flowers and a tiny wedge of dried orange.

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