August 4, 2023

Recipe: Apple and thyme jellies

From yellows and oranges to burnt reds and vibrant greens, take your inspiration from the colours of an autumnal garden to create these delectable jellies.

Apple and thyme jellies
makes 24 small squares

for jellies
1kg whole apples, chopped
2 litres water
1 lemon, cut in half
950g caster sugar
200g glucose
30ml lemon juice
15g pectin powder

Place chopped apple in a pot with the water (enough to cover) and half a lemon. Bring to the boil, then allow to steep until soft. Drain well, remove lemon-half and blitz apple into a puree. Pass puree through a sieve to remove excess skin and seeds.

In a mixing bowl, whisk together sugar and pectin powder to distribute evenly. In a pot, bring apple puree up to a bubble, then add sugar and pectin mix, glucose and lemon juice, whisking to combine thoroughly. Now cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until temperature reaches
105 degrees. Take care, because mixture will boil, bubble
and spit.
Line a lamination tray with baking paper, and brushing or spraying both sides of the paper with oil to prevent the jellies from sticking.

Once mix reaches 105 degrees, pour into the lined tray and allow to set in fridge (about 2 hours). Portion into squares and store in a sealed container, separated from each other until required.

for thyme sugar
30g picked thyme leaves (as fresh and green as possible)
250g caster sugar

Blitz sugar and thyme together in a food processor until sugar turns green. Lay on a lined oven tray or dehydrator rack and dry at about 45 degrees (or lowest-possible setting on your oven) until crystallised. Blitz crystallised thyme sugar back into a sugar-like consistency.

To serve, roll jellies in thyme sugar as required.


This article first appeared in the May 2023 issue of SALIFE magazine.

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