October 26, 2022

Recipe: Truffle Pasta

There are times when only the very finest South Australian produce – cooked to the pinnacle of exquisite perfection – will do. Tonight could perhaps be one of those times.

Truffle pasta
serves 4 as a main course, halve quantities for tasting menu-size portions.

500g plain flour
2 whole eggs
12 egg yolks
40g olive oil
40g water

Place flour on a clean benchtop, creating a well in the centre. Add remaining ingredients and use a fork to start beating the eggs, while incorporating some of the flour from the edges. Use your hands to mix dough until just well combined, no need for kneading. Use glad wrap to tightly wrap dough and place it in the fridge overnight.

Divide dough into 2 pieces and use a pasta machine or rolling pin to roll out a piece until you are able to fold it 3 times. Roll out it again until 2mm thick, dust it with flour and cut it into spaghetti shape. Reserve, covered, in the fridge.

chicken sauce
3kg chicken drumsticks
4L water
10g corn starch
10g water

Place drumsticks into an oven-proof tray, drizzle olive oil and salt, roast at 180C until a golden colour is achieved. Remove from tray and place them in a stock pot, add some hot water to the cooking tray to deglaze it and place the liquid back into the pot. Cover with water and bring it to a boil, then allow to reduce until a deep roast chicken flavour has developed. Strain, adjust salt to taste. To thicken, dissolve corn starch in water and add to the pot. Bring to simmer while mixing, once it starts to simmer, remove from heat and reserve.

To serve, cook pasta in salted boiling water for 2 minutes. While that is happening, add equal parts butter and chicken sauce to a saucepan, then bring to a boil until a smooth texture is achieved. Add grated parmesan, salt to taste and a drizzle of truffle oil. Transfer cooked pasta into sauce, add microplaned fresh truffles, mix it well and serve. If desired place a few rosemary flowers on top.


This article first appeared in the September 2022 issue of SALIFE magazine.

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