November 14, 2019

Recipe: Aged wagyu porterhouse with Adelaide Hills mushrooms, mashed potatoes and truffles

Treat yourself to some spectacular SA produce, with a perfectly aged steak, local mushrooms and mash.

My Local Butcher at Prospect aged the Mayura Station wagyu porterhouse for two months in the ageing room with Himalayan salt.

Aged wagyu porterhouse with Adelaide Hills mushrooms, mashed potatoes and truffles
serves 2

beef and mushroom glaze
1L rich beef stock
mushroom trimmings
500ml red wine
2 tsp redcurrant glaze

Reduce the beef stock with the mushrooms and red wine until thick and syrupy. Strain through a sieve. To finish, swirl in the redcurrant glaze to make it glossy. 

4 cipollini onions
1 tbsp butter
chopped sage

Peel and trim the onions. Parboil in water or stock until they are just tender and there is little resistance when pierced with a metal skewer. Heat the butter in a small frying pan and cook the top of the onions until golden. Sprinkle with sage. 

15g dried Adelaide Hills porcini
mushrooms (use fresh in season)
1-2 pine mushrooms
1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 clove garlic, sliced
12 sage leaves, taken off the stem
freshly ground nutmeg
2 tbsp brandy

Soak the porcini mushrooms in warm water for no more than 20 minutes. Clean the pine mushrooms with a damp cloth, trim the stems and cut into wide strips. Heat the butter with the olive oil and saute the mushroom strips. Cook until tender. Squeeze the porcini gently and add to the mushrooms, tossing in the slices of garlic and sage. Add the nutmeg and splash with the brandy. Remove from the heat. Taste and add salt and freshly ground white pepper. 

mashed potatoes
4-6 Dutch cream potatoes
salt, spread thick over baking pan
50g cold butter
50ml hot cream
salt and white pepper, to taste
truffle shavings

Set potatoes on a bed of salt and bake at 160C until tender and soft when pierced with a skewer. Carefully peel and push the flesh firstly through a ricer and then through a drum sieve. Mix in cold butter and hot cream. Mix well with salt and white pepper. Serve with shavings of truffles on top.

1 porterhouse steak, cut at 3cm thickness, approx 280g
extra virgin olive oil

Very lightly brush the steak with oil (I do not salt the meat at this stage). Heat a grill pan to very hot. Sear the steak for one and half minutes on each side. Weigh down the steak to ensure it stays flat. Allow to rest for 5 minutes. Season, then slice across the grain and serve. 

to assemble

Arrange the steak on a platter with the truffled mashed potato, cipollini and mushrooms. Serve the sauce on the side.


This recipe first appeared in the September 2019 issue of SALIFE magazine. 

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