February 18, 2021

Recipe: Caramelised white chocolate cheesecake soft serve

There’s nothing as refreshing as a frozen dessert on a hot day, and you don't even need an ice cream maker for this tasty treat.

Caramelised white chocolate cheesecake soft serve
serves 8

350g white chocolate buttons (at least 30% cocoa butter)
500g cream cheese, at room temperature
15g cornflour
250ml milk
300ml thickened cream
30g glucose

to serve
1 punnet raspberries, frozen and roughly chopped
digestive biscuits, crushed

Preheat oven to 100C. Place chocolate in a single layer in a rimmed baking tray and place in the oven for 10 minutes to melt. Remove from oven and stir the chocolate with a silicon spatula (this is easiest done with 2 spatulas, in order to scrape off the excess from each). Continue to cook for one hour, stirring every 10 minutes, until the chocolate is deep golden brown. The chocolate may turn lumpy at some stages but should smooth out during the process.

Meanwhile, place cream cheese in the bowl of a stand mixer and beat with the paddle attachment until smooth. Mix together cornflour and milk in a small bowl. Heat cream over medium heat in a medium saucepan, add the caramelised white chocolate (straining through a mesh sieve if necessary), whisking to combine. Add glucose and cornflour mix, whisking to combine, and simmer for 1 minute. Pour the mix slowly into the cream cheese while beating on low speed, mixing until thoroughly combined.

Divide the mix between two large zip lock bags, expelling excess air and sealing well. Place on a tray and freeze until firm. Remove mixture from the bags and place in the bowl of a food processor. Blitz until smooth but still frozen. Transfer mix to a large piping bag fitted with a star nozzle and return to the freezer to firm up (about half an hour).

To serve, pipe soft serve in chilled cups or cones and garnish with frozen raspberry and crushed digestive biscuits. If not serving immediately, soft serve will need to be re-blitzed in the food processor to obtain the creamy texture.

This recipe first appeared in the Dec 2020/Jan 2021 issue of SALIFE magazine.


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