December 16, 2019

Recipe: Nectarine crostata

Celebrate South Australian produce this summer with this delicious dessert featuring ripe Riverland nectarines.

Nectarine crostata
Serves 10

250g plain flour, plus 1 tbsp extra
50g icing sugar
150g cold unsalted butter, cubed
8-10 small yellow-fleshed Riverland nectarines
100g Riverland almond meal, toasted
50g brown sugar
1 egg, lightly beaten
40g raw sugar
pastry crust

Process flour, a pinch of salt, icing sugar and butter until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add sufficient iced water and process until mixture comes together without becoming sticky. Knead gently to form a disc, wrap in plastic and refrigerate until firm. Using baking paper underneath to prevent sticking, roll out the pastry to form a 35cm circle. Transfer both paper and pastry to a baking tray. Mark a circle with a dinner plate leaving a 5cm border.

Combine almond meal, brown sugar and extra flour. Sprinkle evenly in the marked circle. Cut nectarines into quarters and place in circles skin side up, starting on the outside edge of the almond mixture. Pleat the pastry border up and over the edge of the nectarines. Brush the pleated edge with beaten egg. Sprinkle the raw sugar over the nectarines. Preheat oven to 190C and bake for 40 minutes or until pastry is golden and crisp. Serve warm with vanilla whipped cream or ice-cream.


This recipe first appeared in the October 2019 issue of SALIFE magazine.

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