March 18, 2021

Recipe: Barossa pork “club” sandwich with apple, fennel and oyster mushrooms

Decadent and delicious, use the best South Australian produce to make the world's most extravagant club sandwich.

Barossa pork “club” sandwich with apple, fennel and oyster mushrooms
serves at least 8

1 kg Barossa pork scotch, at room temperature
salt flakes and freshly ground black pepper
1 tbsp fennel seeds
2 small onions, peeled
½ fennel bulb, sliced
300ml Adelaide Hills apple juice

Preheat the oven to 180C. Season the pork with salt and pepper and fennel seeds and add to a roasting tray with the whole onions, sliced fennel bulb, and juice. Cover with baking paper and foil, and roast for 1 hour.
Turn the oven up to 210C and uncover the tray. Baste the pork with the roasting juices and cook for another 30 minutes.
Once cooked, remove the pork, onions and fennel from the tray and strain the liquid into a small pan. Remove the fat and reduce the juices over a medium heat down to a couple of tablespoons.
When the meat is cold, slice and cover with the pan juice reduction.

apple and fennel butter
1 apple, peeled and chopped
½ fennel, chopped
¼ tsp allspice
¼ tsp cinnamon
salt and pepper
100g butter softened to room temperature

Steam the apple and fennel in very little water until soft. Puree with spices and seasoning. Incorporate the butter with the puree and shape into a sausage-shaped roll. Wrap in paper, twisting the ends to make a firm log. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

oyster mushrooms
250g oyster mushrooms
extra virgin olive oil
½ bunch dill, chopped
salt and pepper

Slice the oyster mushrooms and saute in warm oil. Mix in the chopped dill and season with salt and pepper.

to assemble
Eleni Barossa Hand-Made rye sourdough with caraway and beer crust
6 slices shoulder bacon, fried until golden
apple, unpeeled, sliced very thinly
fennel, shaved very thinly
dill leaves
tender celery leaves

Cut the bread into thick slices, allowing 3 per serve, and toast.
Smear the bottom layer with apple and fennel butter, pile with thin slices of pork scotch. Top with a layer of mushrooms, then slices of fresh apple and fennel.
Smear the top layer with apple and fennel butter, pile with cooked bacon. Top with slices of fresh apples and fennel. Sprinkle with dill and tender celery leaves for crunch.
Serve with a sliver of apple and fennel butter on top and allow to melt.

This recipe first appeared in the September 2020 issue of SALIFE magazine.


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