April 13, 2022

Recipe: Tuna carpaccio with green olive & caper vinaigrette and prawn crackers

Follow the Good Friday tradition and serve fresh fish this Easter – and it doesn't get any fresher than this quick, simple and beautifully decorative carpaccio.

Tuna carpaccio with green olive & caper vinaigrette and prawn crackers
serves 2

200g bluefin tuna
1⁄3 cup pitted green olives
¼ cup capers
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
juice from half a lemon
½ cup rocket leaves
sea salt & cracked black pepper
8 store-bought-prawn crackers (or leftover from the previous night’s takeaway!)

Place the tuna in the freezer for half an hour to make slicing easier. Slice the tuna as thinly as possible with a sharp knife and place on serving plate in a single layer, slightly overlapping, to cover the plate.

Roughly chop the olives and place in a small bowl with the capers, olive oil and lemon juice and mix well. Spoon the vinaigrette evenly over the tuna. Add the rocket leaves and season with salt and pepper.

Finally, crush the prawn crackers and sprinkle over the dish.


This recipe first appeared in the January 2022 issue of SALIFE magazine.

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